09 August 2013

A Facebook App For Your Business?

Facebook app for your business
Facebook Apps, what's that? Those apps are of the same genre as games you play in Facebook. And you bet that not only games providers are allowed to operate their business as a Facebook app, any business entity are allowed to install and promote within their Facebook account their own business app to engage with their clients. Facebook is a virtual marketplace that has yet to be fully maximized by businesses.

Is having a Facebook App feasible for your business? Let us take a hard look at some facts and figures about Facebook in the Philippines.

Social media and social networking in the cloud has become one of our main activities daily. It is one of the major reason why people use any of their favorite devices - desktops, laptops, mobile phones or tablets. People are by nature socially inclined.

Research and surveys shows that social networking, Facebook in particular, engages 40% of Filipinos who have access to the internet.

12 July 2013

Can Your Business Recover From Any Disaster?

Unforeseen events may affect us and our business with disastrous consequences. However, events and its consequences are not that hard to foresee. Events that may affect our business are identifiable and their consequences can be measured to minimize their effect. What is unpredictable is the time of their happening. And when the inevitable do happens, the question is do you have the capability to emerge from these disasters?

28 June 2013

How To Increase Customer Engagement

As an entrepreneur, you are always on the lookout for innovative ideas. Growing your business is surely on the top of them all. There are many ways how to achieve and sustain growth for your business, prime factor of all is customer engagement. If you can find ways how to engage more with your customers then definitely you must do it.

We are in business primarily to engage with our customers. If they can be kept in constant touch with you more, the result is more business. It is a very simple logic.