12 July 2013

Can Your Business Recover From Any Disaster?

Unforeseen events may affect us and our business with disastrous consequences. However, events and its consequences are not that hard to foresee. Events that may affect our business are identifiable and their consequences can be measured to minimize their effect. What is unpredictable is the time of their happening. And when the inevitable do happens, the question is do you have the capability to emerge from these disasters?

Recovery from any adversity is a daunting task for anyone. The interruption of fundamental business processes for any extended period of time could have a debilitating effect on our basic infrastructure…….and, our way of life.

At EC Mobile Solutions, we want you to recover from adversities as fast as you can in the most methodical way.

“Preparedness is not just about stockpiling,
it's about having an actual plan.” 

~ Mike Ryan

The response should be an  organized top to bottom responsibility. There are basic frameworks from which the whole organization must operate towards their recovery goal.

The basic frameworks for a good business continuity program are:

  1. Organizational Plan. Here the roles and responsibilities of each person identified to be involved must be defined. It is also important to indicate the key person either by name or by position.
  2. Communication Plan. This is an important part of the plan that almost everybody take for granted. However, the importance of having one or incorporating it in the program can bring invaluable benefits and nobody has to claim or complain that they were not informed or are not aware of how the program works.
  3. Risk Management Plan. It is said that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This idiom is also best applied to your disaster recovery plan. This is the heart of the whole program. Assess and analyze all the possible risks that can happen, including those that has a very, very low probability with the same rate of consequence. Nothing should be overlooked. Identify each risk, rate them and plan how it is managed - prevent, mitigate or transfer the risk to a more competent entity. This must be continually updated.
  4. Recovery Plan. If despite all the prevention steps have been successfully implemented, still a major accident or incident happens, implementing your recovery plan can now be done methodically. In this kind of situation mitigating the loss and work stoppage must be the primary goal. Recovery must be done in the shortest possible time.
Being prepared is about having an actual plan, yes this is very true.

To learn more about our Business Continuity Program, contact us now!

Image Courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net