09 August 2013

A Facebook App For Your Business?

Facebook app for your business
Facebook Apps, what's that? Those apps are of the same genre as games you play in Facebook. And you bet that not only games providers are allowed to operate their business as a Facebook app, any business entity are allowed to install and promote within their Facebook account their own business app to engage with their clients. Facebook is a virtual marketplace that has yet to be fully maximized by businesses.

Is having a Facebook App feasible for your business? Let us take a hard look at some facts and figures about Facebook in the Philippines.

Social media and social networking in the cloud has become one of our main activities daily. It is one of the major reason why people use any of their favorite devices - desktops, laptops, mobile phones or tablets. People are by nature socially inclined.

Research and surveys shows that social networking, Facebook in particular, engages 40% of Filipinos who have access to the internet.

Consider these facts:
The Philippines is the 5th largest nation in Facebook with 20.8M users, which is equivalent to 23% of the population.

Facebook Philippine Demographics by age group:
Age Group
18 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44
16 – 17
13 – 15
45 -54
55 – 64

Other interesting facts about Facebook are also worth considering:
  1. Facebook users spend on average 55 minutes a day
  2. Males 47% and Females 53%
  3. Average number of friends: 130
  4. Mobile users are the most active in Facebook engagement
  5. There are more than 350,000 active applications in the Facebook Platform
These facts and figures shows that aside from social engagement, your Facebook presence can also be maxed to its full potential by a Facebook App:
  1. Turn Facebook into your point of sale application
  2. Turn Facebook into your Customer Relations Management System
  3. Turn Facebook into your direct marketing tool
  4. Turn Facebook into your main web site annex
  5. Turn Facebook into your own virtual office
What you can do with your Facebook app can only be limited by your imagination. It can be programmed to act the way you intended it from your own hosted database.

Check us out if you want to learn more of our Web App Services. Click Here.

Facts and Figures taken from SocialBakers.Com
34 Interesting Facebook Statistics and Facts by techinasia.com
Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.Net